Land Surveying
We use proven technology and on site professional supervision to perform an array of different types of surveys. The following is a list of the most common types of surveys that we perform:
• Boundary Surveys
• Lot Surveys
• Elevation Certificates
• Builders Packages
• ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys
• As-Built Surveys
• Topographic Surveys
• Division of Land
• Right of Way Surveys
We have the Technology to provide electronic copies of all drawings in AutoCAD DWG (2000 thru 2015), DXF, Bentley DGN (V7 or V8), Windows Mea File, ESRI Shape, Traverse PC (TRV), PDF, GIF, JPEG, PNG or TIFF formats to fit our clients’ needs. We will not release any of our client’s information without their permission.
1811 Poeyfarre Drive
Lake Charles, LA 70611
Phone (337) 602-9123
Email: JToups@PLS.LA